Is there a way to limit the date-picker component calendar so that only one

I’ve searched the forums with a couple of different strings without an answer. (My apologies if this question has been asked and answered.)

Our UX team finds the scrolling calendar somewhat excessive. Plus if a screen reader accidentally gets into the calendar pop-up, then it starts saying days from 3 months ago. Am I missing something? I don’t see any properties for the component that look like they address the pop-up calendar.

Thanks in advance,

Hi John,

I’m assuming the sentence/title got caught off. Only one what? :slight_smile:

Hi Joacim,

I didn’t realize that the forum thread title got cut off. Thanks for point this out.

Is there a way to limit the date-picker component pop-up calendar so that only one month displays? And I mean just one month at a time. Not the existing pop-up that shows one full month with the ability to scroll into other months/years.