somebody know if is possible to change the default Internal Error view (look the attachment image)?
How I can do it?
somebody know if is possible to change the default Internal Error view (look the attachment image)?
How I can do it?
Hi Gianluca,
I think VaadinService.setSystemMessagesProvider
may be what you are looking for.
Take a look at following link; it refers to Vaadin 8 but it should work also for Flow.
A VaadinServiceInitListener
may be a good hook to inject the custom message provider.
I wrote two error handlers in my vaadin 12 application. The first one is called when an error occurs during a navigation, such as an exception being thrown on the onAttach event. The second error handler is called when an exception occurs in a lambda callback.
* Add our own default error handler for uncaught exceptions thrown in lambda
* expressions. Vaadin's other error handlers are not called in this case.
* <p>
* From vaadin's forum: Normally, the error handler closest to the problem is
* used, so if there is one defined for the UI, it is used rather than the
* session error handler. The session error handler then takes care of
* exceptions that occur outside the contexts where a request to a UI is being
* processed (session initialization, before and after the phases where
* UI/components handle a request, ...).
* </p>
public class ApplicationServlet implements VaadinServiceInitListener, SessionInitListener {
public void serviceInit(ServiceInitEvent event) {
public void sessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) throws ServiceException {
event.getSession().setErrorHandler(new SessionErrorHandler());
* Custom error handler used when exceptions are thrown in lambdas, or are not caught by
* a HasErrorParameter handler.
public class SessionErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
public void error(ErrorEvent event) {
Throwable t = event.getThrowable();
... handle exception ...
* Error page displayed when exception occurs during route navigation, including in an onAttach() method.
public class RouteExceptionErrorHandler extends InternalServerError {
private final String supportEmail;
public RouteExceptionErrorHandler(@Value("${web.support-email}") String supportEmail)
this.supportEmail = supportEmail;
public int setErrorParameter(BeforeEnterEvent event, ErrorParameter<Exception> parameter) {
String path = event.getLocation().getPath();
String additionalInfo;
Exception e = parameter.getCaughtException();
if (parameter.hasCustomMessage()) {
additionalInfo = parameter.getCustomMessage();
else if(e.getMessage() != null) {
additionalInfo = e.getMessage();
else {
additionalInfo = e.toString();
log.error("Unhandled exception routing to {} [{}]
", path, additionalInfo, e);
Div container = new Div();
HtmlComponent title1 = new H4("Unexpected error occurred navigating to "+path);
HtmlComponent title2 = new Paragraph(additionalInfo);
Span text1 = new Span("Please try the request again. If the error persists, contact support at ");
Anchor link = new Anchor("mailto:"+supportEmail, supportEmail);
Span text2 = new Span(".");
Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(text1, link, text2);
RouterLink homelink = Component.from(
ElementFactory.createRouterLink("", "Go to the front page."),
container.add(title1, title2, p1, new Paragraph(homelink));
return HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;