Integrating spring-boot-starter-security with Spring Vaadin issues

I’m trying to integrating Spring Security with Vaadin Spring (

My application class just starts up the Spring Application

I created a class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter

pom.xml includes the dependency spring-boot-starter-security

When I type in localhost:8080 it redirects me to the login url (http://localhost:8080/login) provided by Spring Security. I enter in the username/password (user/password) and I get this error.

java.lang.NullPointerException: null at com.vaadin.server.LegacyCommunicationManager.getClientCache( (full log output at

I tried adding to the ApplicationSecurity the overridden method “configuration(HttpSecurity http)” based off examples I found on the web but that gives me more errors as that doesn’t take me to the /login page at all.

I have simplified the ApplicationSecurity class and I still get the same error.

The simplified class should permit all request.

add the highlighted code

public class ApplicationSecurity
extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
protected void configure( HttpSecurity http )
throws Exception




Thanks psc1952. I’ll try the new implementation this will and will update the forum with my findings.