Icepush add-on !

I’m using Vaadin 7.6.2.
Now I add Icepush add-on ( 0.5.6 ) in my project.
But when I run, it has error: " java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/vaadin/artur/icepush/ICEPush ".
In folder Dependencies had icepush-0.5.6.jar .

I rebuild my project had error : “Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.6.2:compile (default) on project ‘myProject’: GWT Module org.icepush.gwt.ICEpush not found in project sources or resources.”

How to fix ?
Thanks all !

Just as a side-note: Vaadin 7 has built-in push-support:

Thank @Tobias Demuth for your reply !
I’m newbie.
We use Server push as TimerTask for apply to initiate changes in the browser from the server ?

Especially as a newbie it will be much easier for you to just use the built-in support instead of an addon. Please follow the link to the documentation in my last post.

OK - Thank you so much !