I have a window already ready and created, using the vaadin dashboardDemo
- The window tried to create it from the DashBoardMenu when clicking on an item.
- But does not however does not appear the window.
public enum DashboardViewType {
DASHBOARD("dashboard", DashboardView.class, FontAwesome.HOME, true),
//SALES("sales", SalesView.class, FontAwesome.BAR_CHART_O, false),
//TRANSACTIONS("transactions", TransactionsView.class, FontAwesome.TABLE, false),
//SCHEDULE("schedule", ScheduleView.class, FontAwesome.CALENDAR_O, false),
SEARCH("Search by CVE ID", SearchcCVEView.class, FontAwesome.SEARCH, false),
LAST("Last updated", LastUpdatedPanel.class, FontAwesome.REFRESH, false),
EXPLORE("Explore", ExploreView.class, FontAwesome.COMPASS, false),
ABOUT("About", AboutView.class, FontAwesome.INFO_CIRCLE, false);
The AboutView.class extends from VerticalLayout and contains the window by adding it to its constructor as well UI.getCurrent (). AddWindow (about); but nothing.
public class AboutView extends VerticalLayout implements View {
private Button createAbout = new Button("create about");
private AboutWindow about = new AboutWindow();
public AboutView() {
addComponent(new Label("create about"));
public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) {
If in the AboutView class I create a button, if the window is created correctly