How to open HTTP Post in a new browser frame

Hi to all, I am using vaadin 7.7.8 and what I am trying to do is this:
I need to send an HTTP Post with parameters to a url and open the returning page in a new browser window.
I have tried Risto Yrjänä’s FormSender add-on but it is always opening this new page in a new tab and I don’t have the control of this tab.
I have also tried to get response of my request as a StreamResource and opened it in a BrowserFrame.

StreamResource.StreamSource secure3DSource = new StreamResource.StreamSource() {
	public InputStream getStream() {
		try {
			// my response is an html page which is inside this input stream
			return secure3DCon.getInputStream();
		} catch (IOException e) {
			return null;

StreamResource secure3DResource = new StreamResource(secure3DSource, "");

BrowserFrame secure3DBrowserFrame = new BrowserFrame("", secure3DResource);

// window for the new page
Window secure3DWindow = new Window();
secure3DWindow.setHeight(600, Unit.PIXELS);
secure3DWindow.setWidth(400, Unit.PIXELS);					            
// layout for this new window
VerticalLayout secure3DSablon = new VerticalLayout();


At first the solution looked promising but resources like css, image or javascript couldn’t be reached by the BrowserFrame and it gave so many errors like:

Kas 11, 2018 1:32:06 AM com.vaadin.server.ConnectorResourceHandler error
WARNING: BrowserFrame (170) did not handle connector request for content/140/style.css
Kas 11, 2018 1:32:06 AM com.vaadin.server.ConnectorResourceHandler error
WARNING: BrowserFrame (170) did not handle connector request for content/scripts/auths.js
Kas 11, 2018 1:32:06 AM com.vaadin.server.ConnectorResourceHandler error
WARNING: BrowserFrame (170) did not handle connector request for graphics/schema_000000002.gif
Kas 11, 2018 1:32:06 AM com.vaadin.server.ConnectorResourceHandler error
WARNING: BrowserFrame (170) did not handle connector request for content/140/default_help.gif

what can I do to make this work?
I mean is there a way to open this page in a new BrowserFrame like this with having all the external sources are reachable and javascript codes are working?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

FormSender allows to set the target. One target attribute value allowed by html spec is the framename. And in Vaadin BrowserFrame component sets its id as framename. So you could use browserFrame.setId(“framename”) and then use that in FormSender as target. It may work.