How to navigate to the correct view after login?

I’m using 24.4.0.alpha22 and the file router.

I have configured Spring security to use Google OAuth login. My view has the following ViewConfig:

export const config: ViewConfig = {
  menu: { order: 1, icon: 'line-awesome/svg/lock-solid.svg' },
  title: 'Secret',
  loginRequired: true,

When I navigate to the view, I am correctly presented with the login view. But after logging in, I get redirected to / instead of the view I tried to access.

I guess, the Spring Security’s default SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler never had a chance to save the navigation request attempt for the secret view, cause that navigation was client-side.

We need to find a different redirect strategy then. Would changing to Referer-based redirects help? See for the example.

Please be extra careful with customizing the redirect URL to avoid creating vulnerabilities of unvalidated redirects.

In a previous manual authentication solution for Hilla, I saved the client-side requested route in localstorage. Not sure it was the best way, but it worked.

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