How to get value from vaddin-time-picker on change event?

Hi. I’m building a PWA with Lit-Element and I wonder how I get the value from the vaadin-time-picker on change event, NOT click. I can get the time value from click event, but then I need to click the time and click It again. That’s is two clicks.

I’m using the vaadin-date-picker and I have no problem with using a change listener, like this.

<vaadin-date-picker id=“date-picker” style=“width: 152px;” @change=“${this.datePicked}”>

datePicked() { = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(‘date-picker’).value;
console.log('Dato: ’ +;


Unfortunately the vaadin-time-picker has not yet implemented the change event, like date-picker did. But you can use an value-changed event as an alternative to achieve your goal at the moment.

Best regards,