How to apply MV-VM with Vaadin 14

You read this article about MVP: Is MVP a Best Practice? | Vaadin and also this add-on: MVP for Flow - Vaadin Add-on Directory

You can apply exactly the same MVVM pattern in Vaadin 8 or 14+

How the best way to implement vaadin

I`m starting right now, and i´d like to implement the best way
To be a legiable and friendly code

A best way does not exist. It depends on your need. Why do need MVVM? If it doesn’t solve a problem then MVVM is over engineering.

I don’t know if there are open source projects. I don’t have one to share, maybe someone else has a premade solution

I started in a enterprise and i know nothing about front end.
This company is kind a messy, and i’m been training to keep their software with vaadin 14.
But there is no pattern, i’d like to organize the code and build a pattern to be follow like a traditional application
front just recive and send data, back and proccess and return data, and about front validations and checks i’d like to keep outside view to be easier refactor the code when it needs.
Could you help me show some content how to use good pratice with vaadin ?

Here is an example how to use the Model-View-Presenter pattern in Vaadin. Although the project uses Vaadin 8, the same pattern applies to Vaadin 14. The cool thing is that the presenter is unit-testable, see this. See the project README what it is about.