How do I get JavaScript callback working?

I’m looking for a convenient way to call a Java method from JavaScript on the client side.

With Vaadin 8 I used

JavaScript.getCurrent().addFunction(fun, (JsonArray arguments) -> {
            LOGGER.debug("got js response! | {}", arguments.asString());           

to register a JavaScript function and call it from JS on the client side.

How can I achieve something equivalent with Vaadin 10?

Have you checked this chapter in documentation:

Thanks for your reply! I got this part working, but the doc only handles the Java server → JavasScript client case.

I’m looking for a way to get the reverse working. I want to call a Java method from JavaScript on the client side.

The code I posted for registering a JS function no longer works in Vaadin 10 and I’m looking for something to replace it with.

Hi Bastian,

You export a method in Java using @ClientCallable, for example:

private void myFunction(){
    //do something on the server-side

… and then call it on the client side by using the $server object:


The name of the function exported on the client-side is the same name of the method declared on the server side.

Gilberto Torrezan Filho:
Hi Bastian,

You export a method in Java using @ClientCallable, for example:

private void myFunction(){
    //do something on the server-side

… and then call it on the client side by using the $server object:


The name of the function exported on the client-side is the same name of the method declared on the server side.

Okay this works well for void methods. But how can i send data to the client side? In my case i have an addon where the serverside computes some data. This data should be requestable vis javascript on client side. Is this possible?


Sure thing! Just declare the arguments in the method.

To send complex objects you can use JsonObject and JsonArray as parameter:

private void myFunctionWithParameters(String param1, int param2, JsonObject param3, JsonArray param4){
    //do something on the server-side
element.$server.myFunctionWithParameters('Cool', 42, {my: 'object'}, ['array']

Thank you for your help!

I got the the callback working and it looks more convenient than the old Vaadin8 solution.

On the java side set the id of the element with the @ClientCallable method.
Call setId(“myelement”) on your com.vaadin.flow.component.Component element.

On the client side get the element in java script with:

var element = document.getElementById("myelement");

This only works reliably if you only have one element with the id “myelement” on the page.

Bastian Stegmann:
On the java side set the id of the element with the @ClientCallable method.
Call setId(“myelement”) on your com.vaadin.flow.component.Component element.

On the client side get the element in java script with:

var element = document.getElementById("myelement");

This only works reliably if you only have one element with the id “myelement” on the page.

In my case I dont have any element on the java side to set the ID, I just want to send a string from JS and print it inside mu java method.

What should I do?

Do you solve your problem?