How can the distance (top, bottom) of a textfield in the formlayout be redu

Hello and thank you,
can someone tell me, how the distance (top, bottom) can be reduced to a textfield in the formlayout? The button works great.
See the screenshot.

Here is my java sample code:

@Override protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) { final FormLayout layout = new FormLayout(); final TextField name = new TextField(); Button button = new Button("Click Me"); layout.addComponents(name, button); setContent(layout); } Here is my css sample code:

@import "../valo/valo.scss";

@mixin mytheme {
@include valo;

.v-formlayout-spacing > tbody > .v-formlayout-row > .v-formlayout-captioncell,
.v-formlayout-spacing > tbody > .v-formlayout-row > .v-formlayout-contentcell,
.v-formlayout-spacing > tbody > .v-formlayout-row > .v-formlayout-errorcell {
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
border: solid 1px gray;
.v-button {
color: red;
height: 26px;
.v-textfield {
color: red;
height: 26px;
