hosting itmill / java applications

I’ve created a small voting application using the itmill toolkit and eclipse. Now I need to find some public hosting service to deploy/host it.

Is there something similar to engine yard ( for itmill java apps?

I’d also be interested of public hosting service for my Java applications!!

How about using
Amazon EC2
? If you need a support for the software stack used, you could try
Red Hat’s JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
that builds on Amazon EC2.

Amazon would cost around 100 USD / month for one host.

It seems that there are also cheaper alternatives - just Google J2EE hosting. One example is
where Java hosting plans start at
20 USD / month

EC2 is great, and I’d also recommend it for many purposes; however, it’s definitely not a lightweight click-to-deploy affair suitable for most ‘hobby’ and/or demo purposes - you’ll in effect be administering your own server, which might not be what the OP is looking for…(?)

(Red Hat’s JBoss Enterprise Application Platform: “Available starting price of $119/month per customer plus $1.21 per hour for every deployed server, plus additional bandwidth and storage fees.”)

There are cheap servlet ‘hotels’, but I have not tried any myself; it would be very interesting to hear thoughts/suggestions if anyone has experience!

So for serious commercial projects, definitely have a look at EC2.
For non-commercial/demo/hobby -projects, please chime in if you know a good hosting option!

If anyone have tried these - for example that above mentioned eapps - it would be great to hear of your experiences here.

I created a wiki page for hosting ‘reviews’; the idea is to list cheap services that have been tested to work - and specifically cheap, “personal” hosting solutions - I don’t think ‘serious’ deployments are suffering from the same problem (although we could of course provide suggestions for those as well).

I quickly tried out, and added some notes about their free trial: (ok for testing & quick ‘look at this’ deployments: free, seems to work, server shutdown every 6h for the trial plan)

Please add more ‘reviews’ if you’ve tried somethig. And feel free to edit the wikipage, it was written really quickly…

Thanks! I have to check that… seems to be just what I’m looking for. :thumbup:

Just came to mind, that if we want to support more these small/quick-prototype like applications, we could push for a robust and self-contained client side API.

That way anyone could build an application with GWT and get the advantage of Toolkit components, without worrying about hosting (in way of “any hosting is fine”).

Has anyone tried GoDaddy’s Deluxe plan that costs 6.64/mo?
This is the cheapest plan in which support for Java is included.
I used to know people (especially in the united states) who were using GoDaddy.

Why not just to use GWT for this ? It’s API is quite fine for quick application building. The only thing, I suppose, is to make Vaadin UI components available for easy client-side usage, but as they depends on datasource linking and lazy loading mechanism and thus server-side, this might be a not an easy task.

I think this is just what Jouni was proposing. Building an independent API for Vaadin client-side widgets has been on our TODO for a (too) long time. Unfortunately it is a non-trivial thing to do. Some of the more complex components (like Table) should be redesigned to support use without server.

While I would love to see this done, I find it more important to get more good Vaadin components that to make the current ones useable “without” Vaadin.

Back to hosting: Currently the only free Java hosting service (to my knowledge) is Google AppEngine. We are working to get it supported: Google AppEngine compatibility · Issue #717 · vaadin/framework · GitHub

Amazon EC2 is currently a perfect hosting place for “serious” Vaadin apps. For example
is running on EC2. The only problem with EC2 is that the smallest unit you can buy is one server - costing 70 USD / month…

We are eager to hear about Suns cloud offering next Monday - I hope they will have more sane session management that Google AppServer and could sell smaller pieces of servers than Amazon.

There are very little details on the GoDaddy-site on the extent of the Java-support they deliver. Have you found any more details about it?

One cheaper and more lightweight alternative to EC2 is using a virtual private server which GoDaddy does sell, personally I use
for my personal small projects and I can definitely recommend them if you have experience with Linux.

The problem with Java-hosting is that it requires abit more power and flexibility than most cheap shared-webhosting people can offer.

Finnish company
offers Tomcat 5.5 (among other features) for 20 euros a year. Could that suit your needs?

Will add my 2 cents. We’re using Gandi ( for both production and test(pilot) web applications hosting. Gandi provides Xen-enabled personal virtual server (like Amazon does) but automates process of installation and configuration via its Gandi AI feature, which makes server setup and OS installation/configuration easy and completely automated. Since Gandi sells so called CPU units, it is possible to make low budget servers for as low as (approx) 10 usd/month or so, increasing the power / memory on the fly when necessary, which suits well for demo/low footprint web apps.