If I have view (mapped to “some-view”) with url parameters, and I do during my applicaton workflow:
history.pushState(null, "some-view/1");
history.pushState(null, "some-view/2");
history.pushState(null, "some-view/3");
The last displayed url in browser will be “some-view/3”. Browser back button will work as expected, pressing back will return me to “some-view/2”, and setParameter() handler method in my view will be executed.
But I would like to be able to do the same when using just ordinary request parameters, like this:
history.pushState(null, "some-view/1?a=1&b=2");
history.pushState(null, "some-view/1?a=3&b=4");
history.pushState(null, "some-view/1?a=5&b=6");
The last displayed page will be “some-view/1?a=5&b=6”. Unfortunately, browser back button does not work, as client javascript engine does not trigger
anything on the server. Shouldn’t vaadin javascript check that onpopstate event, request parameters have changed compared to current url and trigger
view setParameter() method?