GWT Polymer.create not working


The example (“Using the Element API in Java”) here
suggest using the generated Polymer.create method to create a web component object.

But there is no Polymer#create method (gwt-api-generator --package=PolymerElements/paper-elements --javaDir=src --resourcesDir=src).
The only thing that comes close might be Polymer#createElement. But an Object of type com.vaadin.polymer.paper.PaperButtonElement can not be added by the method RootPanel.get().getElement().appendChild(button), like shown in the example, because the generated PaperButtonElement is not a subclass of

So is there a proper working way to use the generated classes by the gwt-api-generator?

Thanks and best regards

I second this.
Documentation about this seemingly wonderful library is too scarces tutorials are incomplete (I mean who is using Eclipse these days?) or not updated.
Somebody should really invest time in making the most simple Polymer with Vaadin project from beginning to end.
And please, please(!) be more creative then only showing a simple button.

Have you checked this blog post?