Grid details row style (color and background color)

Is there a css selector for vaadin grid row with expanded details.?
I can set background-color and/or font color by using vaadin-grid::part(details-cell) But at the same time I want to set background color of the row as in the screenshot below.

Either vaadin-grid::part(details-open-row-cell) or vaadin-grid::part(details-open-row) should work. They are mentioned in the styling docs:

Hello, yes, I read the docs I tried both but does not work.

I found the problem, I think documentation is incorrect. When I searched with Chrome developer tools, I found that part name in documentation is not correct.
vaadin-grid::part(details-opened-row-cell) this works as expected. It is not “open” but “opened

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Indeed! Created a PR to fix the docs: docs: fix grid part names by sissbruecker · Pull Request #4057 · vaadin/docs · GitHub