Grid Column sorting

I am using Vaadin 7 and I need to do a very special sorting on a particular column, such that when they click the column and it sorts by 2 different values in the Bean. Is there a way to do this in Vaadin 7?

This is how I did it for the table, inside the ListContainer I use:

		public void sort(final Object[] propertyId, final boolean[]
 ascending) {
			final boolean sortAscending = ascending[0]
			final Object sortContainerPropertyId = propertyId[0]
			Collections.sort(getBackingList(), (o1, o2) -> {
				int result = 0;		
				else if ("riskPct".equals(sortContainerPropertyId) ||
					"riskPctValue".equals(sortContainerPropertyId) )
					result = WmsXmlUtil.compareXmlNumbers(o1.getRiskSeverity(), o2.getRiskSeverity());
					if( result == 0 )
						result = WmsXmlUtil.compareXmlNumbers(o1.getRiskPct(), o2.getRiskPct());

“RiskPct” is in the table/grid/ but “RiskSeverity” is not. So that is why I need to do this special sorting.x

Could I get around this by doing something like this:

		gridContainer = new BeanItemContainer<WrappedPlan>( WrappedPlan.class, new ArrayList<WrappedPlan>() );
		gridContainer.setItemSorter(new DefaultItemSorter(){

			public void setSortProperties(Sortable container, Object[] propertyId, boolean[]
 ascending) {
				// TODO If one of my sort property ids is "riskPct", redo arrays so that "severity" precedes it
				// Will that mean I need to add and then hide the severity column in Grid?
				super.setSortProperties(container, propertyId, ascending);

I guess I could also override protected int compareProperty(Object propertyId, boolean sortDirection, Item item1, Item item2) in DefaultItemSorter, or even override sort like I did with tables in my older code. Might be more efficient then overriding setSortProperties.

Ok, this works, in case anyone is curious. Rather obvious solution, when I looked at the older table code and the lower level stuff:

		gridContainer.setItemSorter(new DefaultItemSorter() {

			private static final long serialVersionUID = 2063583546056864136L;

			protected int compareProperty(Object propertyId, boolean sortDirection, Item item1, Item item2) {
				if ("riskPct".equals(propertyId) ||
						"riskPctValue".equals(propertyId) )
			        final Property<?> riskPct1Prop = item1.getItemProperty("riskPct");
			        final Property<?> riskPct2Prop = item2.getItemProperty("riskPct");
			        final Property<?> riskSeverity1Prop = item1.getItemProperty("riskSeverity");
			        final Property<?> riskSeverity2Prop = item2.getItemProperty("riskSeverity");

			        // Get the values to compare
			        final Object riskPct1 = (riskPct1Prop == null) ? null : riskPct1Prop.getValue();
			        final Object riskPct2 = (riskPct2Prop == null) ? null : riskPct2Prop.getValue();
			        final Object riskSeverity1 = (riskSeverity1Prop == null) ? null : riskSeverity1Prop.getValue();
			        final Object riskSeverity2 = (riskSeverity2Prop == null) ? null : riskSeverity2Prop.getValue();
			        if( riskSeverity1 instanceof String &&
			        		riskSeverity2 instanceof String &&
			        		riskPct1 instanceof String &&
			        		riskPct2 instanceof String)
		        		int result = WmsXmlUtil.compareXmlNumbers((String)riskSeverity1,
		        		if( result == 0 )
							result = WmsXmlUtil.compareXmlNumbers((String)riskPct1,
			        	if (sortDirection)
			        		return result;
			        		return result * -1;
				return super.compareProperty(propertyId, sortDirection, item1, item2);

Since I know the Item is a BeanItem, I could have also gotten the underlying bean, I just figured the way I did it was simpler. When I move to Vaadin 14+, the method will use the bean, I imagine, but in that case I can set a comparator for the column, so it will actually be simpler.