Getting the same DefaultWidgetset error for different add-ons

Hello guys,

Multiple attempts to implement DCharts and GoogleMaps keep showing the same error :
“DefaultWidgetset doesn’t contain implementation …” and so on.
I use web servlet annotations and ivy for Vaadin 7.4.7 .
I don’t use web.xml and Maven.
I tried 2 scenarios. Neither one worked.
In the first case, ​I downloaded the jar, added to the project (using Properties → Build Path) and also added the sample code.
I used “Ivy Resolve” option of context sensitive menu and then recompiled the Widgetset.
When I did Run As, I saw the error.

In the second case, I adjusted the “ivy.xml” and “ivysettings.xml”.
I used “Ivy Resolve” option of context sensitive menu and then recompiled the Widgetset.
When I did Run As, I saw the error.

“DefaultWidgetset doesn’t contain implementation …”

Thank you in advance for your help,

You have to create your own Widgetset which “extends” DefaultWidgetset, mention it in your ServletConfiguration annotation or web.xml and whenever you add an Add-On to your project you have to compile your custom widgetset. Google should have everything you need to know about:

  • Defining a WidgetSet
  • Compiling a WidgetSet
  • Adding Add-Ons to your project

There are also a lot of similar forum posts about widgetsets on here.