im stuck and this for a week now. Im using Spring+Vaadin only with java and impement and app with one class that extends UI and has the annotation @SpringUI. Now the amout of things you could do grows that much that i need different views to manage all this stuff.
So i tryed to implenment a navigator and split the SpringUI thing in 10 views. First thing that does not work is Autowireing in the views. It only works in the MainUI. Hope someone could explain or give me a solution for this, another way whatever.
Here are a reduced example what i try to do. First the navigator that works. Then the view where i try to autowire the service class this does not work.
public class Navigation extends UI {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
HorizontalLayout mainLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
VerticalLayout navigationPanelLeft = new VerticalLayout();
VerticalLayout contentRight = new VerticalLayout();
mainLayout.addComponents(navigationPanelLeft, contentRight);
mainLayout.setExpandRatio(navigationPanelLeft, 20);
mainLayout.setExpandRatio(contentRight, 80);
Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this, contentRight);
//navigator.addView("Abschluss-Editor", AbschlussEditorView.class);
//navigator.addView("Mitarbeiter-Editor", MitarbeiterEditorView.class);
navigator.addView("Sprachen-Editor", SprachenEditorView.class);
navigator.addView("", SprachenEditorView.class);
navigationPanelLeft.addComponent(this.createNewNavBtn("Sprachen-Editor", navigator));
//navigationPanelLeft.addComponent(this.createNewNavBtn("Abschluss-Editor", navigator));
//navigationPanelLeft.addComponent(this.createNewNavBtn("Mitarbeiter-Editor", navigator));
private Button createNewNavBtn(String goToSite, Navigator navigator) {
return new Button(goToSite, new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
public class SprachenEditorView extends FormLayout implements View{
private SprachenService sprachenService;
private Grid<Sprache> sprachenGrid = new Grid(Sprache.class);
private Button speichernBtn = new Button("Speichern");
private Button loeschenBtn = new Button("Löschen");
private TextField sprache = new TextField("Sprache");
private VerticalLayout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout();
private HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
public SprachenEditorView() {
buttonLayout.addComponents(loeschenBtn, speichernBtn);
mainLayout.addComponents(sprachenGrid, sprache, buttonLayout);
this.addComponents(mainLayout, buttonLayout);
Mitarbeiter m = new Mitarbeiter(null, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", null, null, null, null, "", "", "");
m.setId((long) 1);
public void enter(ViewChangeEvent e) {
private void updateSprachenGrid(Mitarbeiter m) {
List<Sprache> listSprachen = sprachenService.sprachenMitarbeiter(m.getId());