We have a requirement to send form data (the data itself is an xml) via a POST request, from a Vaadin flow webapp. This should redirect you to another application UI, with its form already prefilled with the sent data.
Do you know of any reason why the mechanism outlined above might not work on IE 11?
I don’t usually use IE11 but just tried it and it doesn’t work on IE 11 but works perfectly on Chrome, Safari and FF.
I have not investigated it much yet but just wanted to ask in case there is something fundamental preventing this mechanism from working with IE 11.
There is no error at all anywhere. When I examine the DOM in the developer tools, the form element is added correctly and appears no different from the element in Chrome.
It just appeared that when I clicked my button to trigger the “Submit” it wasn’t doing anything on IE11.
So I discovered that if I replace the submit() method using the “callJsFuntion()” with the one that was commented out in the above example, using the “executeJs” function, it works on IE 11 !!
So …
public void submit() {
public void submit() {
getElement().executeJs("setTimeout(function(){$0.submit()},0)", getElement());
If I use the commented out submit - IE 11 works !! This also works for Chrome as well.
Do you know why that would be the case? I had a look on the vaadin page and both methods are described and appear to do the same thing.