Form and images


first let me apologize for my bad english :slight_smile:

After 12 years of developing Delphi applications the time has come to learn Java and Vaadin.

Now I have almost 2 month experience with Java programming :smiley:

I’m developing a simple online application for hotel reservations. So far I manage to develop a few simple forms where I can add, remove and correct data from database (rooms, guests, price list, reservations…) . I also developed a simple table (1 row = 1 room, 1 column = 1 day of selected month) where I can see which room are occupied or reserved, and days of arrival and departing.

Now I’m stucked with displaying images from database to form.

Maybe the CustomField component is the answer? Or manually adding embedded component on the form and fill it with images from database? Rewriting FormFieldFactory?

If the image is not editable/switchable, I would try to leave it so that the Form doesn’t try to use it. If it is possible, plug in a Embedded manually in the correct place.