I’m using Viritin MGrid to display a grid within a grid, both grids being MGrids using withGeneratedColumn. I’m able to do this with Table and MTable, but not MGrid. MGrid just displays the id of the object in the cell.
Is there some way to display a table or grid of any sort, or even just a layout, within an MGrid Cell?
I’m trying to do this with MGrid because we already have code to add a filter header row to MGrid.
The design for Grid does not allow any Components inside the cells; this was a deliberate decision by the team. Instead of components, you can use Renderers with which you can customize cell content on the client side. There were a few reasons for this, the foremost being that components inside a Table is ridiculously complicated for the framework team to maintain, and secondly we feel that you really should have a second think about your UI design if you want to put components inside tables like this. Both are doubly true for tables inside tables.