is there a way i can use a file chooser with vaadin?
The JFileChooser wants a java.awt.Component as a parent. But we are using only vaaind components.
Or the specific way, i want to add an Upload into a form. But the Upload isn’t a field and so it isn’t possible, and now i am looking for a possible solution to browse through my hard disk with a file chooser.
When you are want to access the files in the client-side, Upload is the only option (as the access client-side is limited by browsers security model). Upload opens a native file chooser.
Thanks a lot.
I will try to save the file temporarily and set a flag that these files are temporarily. And if the user leaves the window and wants to upload his files the files are unmarked and stored in a database.
But i have an other question. Is it possible to get access to the upload button? I want to make the invisible after the file was uploaded, and make him visible again if the user makes an interaction.
Yeah this would be possible.
But i thought i can access only the upload button and replace it with an other button.
If there is a way please tell me if not i will try it with making the upload invisible.
If you want to upload a filecontent to a value of a property (which I guess you want as you are using field factory), I really suggest to look at
EasyUploads addon and especially its UploadField component. That should really simplify your task.
If you can’t upgrade to 6.5 nightly you can download the older version. For that I don’t promise to make any improvements though.