Event Timeline Addon

Hi Sidney,

thanks for your interest, regarding your question: we are currently evaluating how to publish the addon for a commercial environment. Joonas outlined some alternatives in this

Maybe you can also give some feedback on your preferred scenario?

I got the following error while I was playing with your source code from svn:

Widgetset does not contain implementation for com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.EventTimeline. Check its @ClientWidget mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset

I am using Eclipse 3.7 EE with the vaadin plugin

  • I checked out the source code from svn
  • I copied /scr/main/java/com folder to my eclipse projects src folder
  • I refreshed the project, cleaned it, then rebuilt it
  • I and of course I pressed the ‘compile widgetset’ button on eclipse’s toolbar

Everything was fine , I had no errors warnings no red cross, nothing

  • I added this new widget to my test application
  • I choose run as as usual to test it…

And I got this error

What did I do wrong, and what is the solution?


When I understand you correctly, you copied everything from src/main/java into your project and compiled your widgetset?

Did you include

  <inherits name="com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.gwt.EventTimelineWidgetSet" /> 

into your application widgetset definition?

The GWT compiler only finds automatically widgets that are located beneath your widgetset location. If you have others in your source directory (e.g. different packages) you still have to include them in the *.gwt.xml file.


huh that was a quick answer :slight_smile:

I think that will be the solution :slight_smile:

maybe I missed something but where can I found the gwt.xml file for my main application?

Or if I create one , what should it contain, and where should I place it inside the source folder?

And in general what is the easiest way to create my own addon from your source code?

What tools did you use to create your addon ?

Excuse me , but I am quiet newbie in vaadin component development :slight_smile:


You pointed out that you already use eclipse together with the vaadin plugin. I do not know how you did setup your project, but when you create it using the vaadin plugin wizard, a widgetset is automatically created. Try searching in your source tree for a *.gwt.xml file.

The easiest way to use the addon is by added a pom dependency. For the development I just used the vaadin plugin and of course the gwt development mode (there is a button in the vaadin preferences to create a launcher for the dev mode).

Good luck

I looked for the gwt.xml file in my source tree with no luck at first

  1. So I started a new vaadin project
  2. there were no gwt.xml file until I pressed the compile widgetset button
  3. I copied everything from your sources folder just as before
  4. now I had 2 gwt.xml file: my original, created in step 2 AND yours (found in your src)
  5. I added <inherits name="com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.gwt.EventTimelineWidgetSet" /> to my gwt.xml file
  6. I selected my gwt.xml file and pressed the ‘compile widgetset’ button (if you have multiple gwt.xml file-s then you should select one by clicking on it before pressing the button, because the compiler doesn’t know which one to use and will complain in an error popup window)

And that it :slight_smile:


would you be so kind to give me some hints on how to create gantt chart ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt) using your addon (or the original timeline)?

I am a bit confused

At first I thought the whole addon is based on canvas but, It turned out that only the background of the display component is created with canvas the events itselfs are rendered as plain html div-s on top of canvas (am I right that this is because of that the events are must be clickable , and it would be dificult to do with canvas itself)

Any help would be much appreciated ! (in public or private)

Thanks in advance


The reason to use html divs is basically to be able to style the events via css and make the click support more simple (as you already pointed out).

When I started doing the addon, I have painted the events also in canvas, the change is very simple and obvious, there is actually a plotEvent method that draws an event, and you just have to change it there. Take a look at the browser which draws the events actually in canvas for performance reasons.


Great addon!
Currently horizontal bars keep all vertical space available, if there are one or two bars they are very very big, that’s isn’t very beautiful, is it possible to give a fixed height to the bar?

Right now I red that the version 0.4.0 added

" - bands automatically expand to maximum available height"

well is it possible to switch to a fixed size?



yes I added this feature in the latest release as it fits my own use-case, but you are right, there should be a way to control the behaviour.
Could you add a feature request in the
github repo




maybe its a silly question but where can I find the client-side code which is executed when I click on an event?

what I would like to do is to add an aditional css class name for example when when I click on an event to visually highlight the just clicked/selected event/task

I think I have found it :slight_smile:


I did that and it didn’t work, I still got the same problem, so I realized that when I compile, Eclipse tells me that the widgetset compilation failed…

Do I need to install the Vaadin Timeline for the Event timeline to work??



Hi all,

I am just starting to use Vaadin and I’m trying to use this timeline.
Unfortunately, I cannot deploy the sample code that is provided.

I went through the straightforward process described previously (start a vaadin project in eclipse, add the .jar and recompile the widgetset)
Then I export the project on my liferay portal and add it on a page… and here is the error message that I get:

Widgetset does not contain implementation for com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.EventTimeline. Check its @ClientWidget mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions. Unrendered UIDL:
	com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.EventTimeline(NO CLIENT IMPLEMENTATION FOUND) id=PID14 height=500px width=100.0% style=v-eventtimeline caption=Our event timeline lock=true e1=false locale=en_US startDate=1341415363828 endDate=1341429763828 browserVisibility=true zoomVisibility=true dateSelectVisibility=true dateSelectEnabled=true legendVisibility=false bandPagingVisible=true bandSelectionEnabled=false zoomLevels={0:Hour,3600000,1:Day,86400000,}

When I recompile the WidgetSet, here is what I get:

Starting GWT compiler
Compiling module com.example.timelinetest1.widgetset.Timelinetest1Widgetset
   Validating newly compiled units
 Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Liferay/workspace/TimelineTest1/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/event-timeline-agpl-3.0-0.5.1.jar!/com/spaceapplications/vaadin/addon/eventtimeline/gwt/client/VEventTimelineBrowser.java'
 Line 25: The import com.google.gwt.canvas cannot be resolved
 Line 579: CssColor cannot be resolved
4 juil. 2012 13:22:04 com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer getPaintablesHavingWidgetAnnotation
INFO: Searching for paintables..
4 juil. 2012 13:22:05 com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.ClassPathExplorer getPaintablesHavingWidgetAnnotation
INFO: Search took 1015ms
   Scanning for additional dependencies: jar:file:/C:/Liferay/workspace/TimelineTest1/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/vaadin-6.5.4.jar!/com/vaadin/terminal/gwt/client/WidgetSet.java
      Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetMap'
         Rebinding com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetMap
            Invoking generator com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.EagerWidgetMapGenerator
 Widget class com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.gwt.client.VEventTimelineWidget was not found. The component com.spaceapplications.vaadin.addon.eventtimeline.EventTimeline will not be included in the widgetset.
Widgetset compilation completed

Do you have any idea of how I should deal with this?

Is there any specific version of GWT that I should use?

Many thanks!

An old post but in case you didn’t manage to make this work yet: Vaadin plug-in for Eclipse should automatically find and get the correct version of GWT for the Vaadin version you are using unless you have modified GWT build path entries yourself.

You can find the correct GWT version number in the manifest of your Vaadin JAR (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF).

It looks like you are using an old version of Vaadin (6.5.4), I’m not sure if GWT canvas etc. classes are present in the GWT version required by that Vaadin version.

Hi Thomas,

I was looking at your add-on (by the way, the demo shows a real nice job!) and I was wondering if it lets the developer to highlight some “key-dates” in the timeline. I’ll make it clearer: I would like to use it to show allocations of human resources but I have a requirement to higlight several significant dates within the timeline: something like a vertical bold line with a label with the related date. Is it allowed?

Thank you for your effort in developing this add-on.


I have a few questions - more requests for future version as I think its not possible right now.

  1. able to set the initial zoom level. In my case I want to show 30 days of data but the zoom level should be 1 day initially. But standard seams to be to initially set the zoom level as big as the date range and I think I cannot set this differently, correct?

  2. not sure its a good idea yet but :slight_smile: Im thinking in my case I want to display only 30 days of data at a time to keep it fast. So if I move the zoom/range to the left I will change the visibleDataRange if I get to the far left of close to the startdate. I can do this by implementing a listener, but actually I cannot get the current visible date range. Now I fixed it by subclassing the eventimeline - maybe this could be standard part of eventtimeline - to be able to get the current start and end date?

  3. to enable this kind of lazy loading as above - some more clear and integrated way directly supported by event time line

4-99) drag and drop :slight_smile: to be able to move a even around and all sorts of cool stuff, select a range on a band to create an event based on this


im trying to add an event listener so that when a user clicks on an event a window will open and let the user edit the existing event. The code for creating the window is ok and I can open it as a Button.ClickEvent else where but if I do

    timeline.addListener(new EventTimeline.EventClickListener() {
        public void eventClick(EventTimeline.EventButtonClickEvent event) {
            TimelineEvent source = (TimelineEvent)event.getSource();
            //GroupEventWindow groupEventWindow = new GroupEventWindow(""+new Date(), bandInfoMap, timeline);
            Window groupEventWindow = new Window("");
            groupEventWindow.addComponent(new Label("test"));


then the window does not open. If I add a debug System.err.println it is printed on the console. The above does not open a window no mather if Im using my window class or a simple window with a label. Something special I need when trying to open it from a event click like this?