Event Timeline Addon

I have a few questions - more requests for future version as I think its not possible right now.

  1. able to set the initial zoom level. In my case I want to show 30 days of data but the zoom level should be 1 day initially. But standard seams to be to initially set the zoom level as big as the date range and I think I cannot set this differently, correct?

  2. not sure its a good idea yet but :slight_smile: Im thinking in my case I want to display only 30 days of data at a time to keep it fast. So if I move the zoom/range to the left I will change the visibleDataRange if I get to the far left of close to the startdate. I can do this by implementing a listener, but actually I cannot get the current visible date range. Now I fixed it by subclassing the eventimeline - maybe this could be standard part of eventtimeline - to be able to get the current start and end date?

  3. to enable this kind of lazy loading as above - some more clear and integrated way directly supported by event time line

4-99) drag and drop :slight_smile: to be able to move a even around and all sorts of cool stuff, select a range on a band to create an event based on this


im trying to add an event listener so that when a user clicks on an event a window will open and let the user edit the existing event. The code for creating the window is ok and I can open it as a Button.ClickEvent else where but if I do

    timeline.addListener(new EventTimeline.EventClickListener() {
        public void eventClick(EventTimeline.EventButtonClickEvent event) {
            TimelineEvent source = (TimelineEvent)event.getSource();
            //GroupEventWindow groupEventWindow = new GroupEventWindow(""+new Date(), bandInfoMap, timeline);
            Window groupEventWindow = new Window("");
            groupEventWindow.addComponent(new Label("test"));


then the window does not open. If I add a debug System.err.println it is printed on the console. The above does not open a window no mather if Im using my window class or a simple window with a label. Something special I need when trying to open it from a event click like this?

ah, sorry - the source of the EventClick is not the event but the EventTimeline so the rest after the first linie in my handler does not actually execute…

ok, so I have the Timeline as the source - but I dont see how I can get anything about what event was actually selected, clicked, pressed?

(I worry if this add-on is actually beeing maintained?)