Error when debugging in superdev mode

I’m doing some work on the vaadin addon GridFastNavigation.

I’ve managed to get the GridFastNavigation-demo running in super dev mode but now the page won’t load as the client side code is throwing an exception as follows:

​Uncaught ReferenceError: Qqn_g$ is not defined(…)
on line : 67

Which is the following line.
root = Logger.getLogger(“”);

Given the obfiscated variable name there error isn’t very helpful.

The few lines above the error all lock good:

 private static class LogConfigurationImplRegular implements LogConfigurationImpl {
    // Keep a reference to the root logger after we configure it because
    // if we don't, the JRE implementation of LogManager (which is used in
    // Dev Mode) will sometimes garbage collect it, since they only keep
    // weak references to the loggers that are created.
    private Logger root;

    public void configureClientSideLogging() {
      assert GWT.isClient();

      root = Logger.getLogger("");

My best guess is that ‘Logger’ isn’t defined.

I can see an import in the above file:

import java.util.logging.Logger; So I’m at a loss at how to debug this.
Is there any way for super debug to ‘de-obfiscate’ the variable names?


Oh and here is the project in question:

Hi try to find this block in demo pom.xml

-Xmx512M -Xss1024k ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets true ${basedir}/target/tmp/gwt-unitCache false true http://localhost:8080/

And add line in that block


At least that is needed, I do not now recall By hard something else was required for codeserver setup also.