Editable Table value change SQLContainer commit

Can anyone help me with this? This is propably incredibly easy and I’m just doing it very wrong.

I’m trying to do the following:

  • I have a table with an SQLContainer data source
  • The cells are made editable with ColumnGenerator
  • As soon as a value in the table is changed I want it to cause the SQLContainer to call commit

Table table = new Table(); // ... table.setContainerDataSource(container); // ... table.addGeneratedColumn("COLUMN", new MyColumnGenerator()); And from MyColumnGenerator.java

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Component c; Item item = source.getItem(itemId); Property<String> prop = item.getItemProperty(columnId); if (SessionUtils.isAuthentified()) { TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { try { ((SQLContainer)source.getContainerDataSource()).commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Notification.show( "Unable to update data.", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }); tf.setPropertyDataSource(prop); c = tf; } else { Label lb = new Label(); lb.setPropertyDataSource(prop); c = lb; } return c; } But the above example causes some kind of infinite error-loop (most often I do not even get exceptions). How to do this properly? Can I somehow cause the SQLContainer to commit automatically when changes occur?

Thanks in advance for your time to read this post.

(EDIT: Ok I figured this out and simply used container.setAutoCommit(true) instead of all the other shenanigans, which works just fine. However, out of curiosity, how would you do this if you did not want to use auto-commit?)