I’ve been given the task of designing a webapplicaiton for a DSL-test facility which in its most basic form controls one or more digital subscriber line multiplexers and a bunch of relays for a variable cable length. The original software was a desktopapplication written in C# and windows forms. But now they want it written in Java with a webinterface where multiple users can log in, choose an existing test or create a new one, and run it. After this, a report should be generated, and I’d love to show realtime statistics of the dsl-line and its properties. For example with live graphs and so on.
As a C domain developer with no experience en Java, and even less in web programming in java, I’ve hit a wall. I was shocked of how many different frameworks was available, and I just can’t seem to find one that suits my application.
I read a book about JSP and Java EE, but that seems a bit outdated now. (?) JSF has a lot of critics, and Spring seems awfully big, Vaadin is the frameworks that seems the best for me at the moment, but some critics complains about the lack of designabilty and performance?
I have a solid business logic layer with good interfaces for running the tests, setting the cablewall and so on. Is the CUBA framework able to help me here? Not only should the app be functional, but I also need a good looking, simple, user interface.
For inspiration I’m looking at Nessus
Is this possible in Vaadin? If you haven’t figured out yet, I’m a “Close-to-the-hardware” kind of developer, and really don’t have a lot of experience in webapp development.
At the moment I’m using Eclipse, MySql and running everything on a glassfish4 server.
Anything that will get me started is greatly appreciated. I have no idea how to get started, and I really hope I don’t need to refactor all of my existing Java code.
Really - thanks for taking your time!