Dynamic picture load


i need to know hot i can solve the following problem.

I have a Grid where you can select different people. Each people has a name and a picturepath which is something like \server\people.jpg.
When i select one people in the grid i use a binder to show name and path each in one textfiled to edit it.

So far this works well. But no i also want that wenn i pick one person on the grid that if a picturepath is set that this will be shown next two my textfields.

Cant get it work.

You should be able to do it with an Image component. The Image needs a Resource as its content, and since you have files on disk, that sounds like a good time to use a FileResource.

Yes you can do it with component column (aka component renderer, provided you have Vaadin 8.1+) using Image component, or directly with ImageRenderer. However note, that non-field components or renderers are not shown on editor row. The images will be shown however on grid body rows.