Drop in jar for GWT components

I have been trying with no success for four hours to get the Vaadin TreeTable widget to compile. Can someone please just provide me with a jar I can install for the GWT part of the system which I can install somewhere. The installation is soooo hard to do. I had problems in the past and am having problems again. I tried dropping the TreeTable jar into the web-inf/lib/ directory and it didn’t get auto compiled even though I had all the latest Vaadin integration plugins.

There MUST be a easier way!!!

Did you try

The document referenced by David is more about getting started developing Vaadin code itself, so it might be more complicated than necessary.

I assume you are using Eclipse and have created the project with the “New Vaadin Project…” wizard.

the book section on recompiling widgetsets
and the
directory help page
on using add-ons. Your project needs to have its own widgetset file which points to the default widgetset and the add-on widgetset, but this can be automatically created by the Eclipse plugin when compiling the widgetset.

If you think it is hard to get the add-on into use, definitely do not try to get client side debugging working with a pre-Vaadin 6 version (back then called IT Mill Toolkit), just three years ago, when there was no Eclipse plugin and you needed a custom build of GWT etc. Considering what you needed to know to get started and how hard that information was to find, it was probably a hundred times harder…

Thanks for your help. I managed to get the client side widgets working in the end, but definitely painful! I think providing some way to just drop a precompiled UI file in would be much more user friendly