I tried to use DragDropLayouts addon in my project . But I am not able to drag the components .
Below is the code snippet
DDAbsoluteLayout layout = new DDAbsoluteLayout();
layout.setWidth( “500px” );
layout.setHeight( “500px” );
// Enable dragging (of all) components
layout.setDropHandler(new DefaultAbsoluteLayoutDropHandler());
// Add some components to layout
layout.addComponent(new Label(
"DragFilters allow you to control which components are draggable."
+ " All components in this example are in the same layout but only buttons are "
+ "draggable"));
layout.addComponent(new Button("Drag Me!"), "left:50px;top:100px");
layout.addComponent(new Button("Drag Me Too!"), "left:50px;top:150px");
layout.addComponent(new TextField(null, "You cannot drag me!"), "left:50px;top:200px");
And layout is added to the view.
But one thing i noticed in debug mode is tat layout connector is AbsoluteLayoutConnector instead of DDAbsoluteLayoutConnector. Is the problem in here?