Hi, I’m testing the new Drag&Drop from Vaadin 8.1 and I’m facing a little problem.
I have a HorizontalSplitPanel with a height of 500 px.
First and second components of the split panel are VerticalLayout.
I am able to drag and drop components (like labels or buttons) from the first to the second vertical layout.
At first, the first vertical layout contains several components causing the layout to overflow the split height and a scroll bar appears. The second vertical layout is empty. No problem here.
The problem is on the second vertical layout. If I set the height to undefined for the second vertical layout, the drop area will be a tiny line which is really annoying for a dropping area. The drop area grows as there are more components.
If I set the height to 100%, the vertical layout will be relative to the split panel height and if the number of components dragged from the first to the second is too great, all components are sqeezed in the drop layout.
I would like the layout to be as big as the split panel at first and then overflow to show a scroll bar. Is it possible?
Thank you