Your demos contain an example where Dojo and toolkit widgets live happily together. I peeked open ajax page’s javascript part but it’s pretty messy (page contains bunch of other stuff that I am not familiar with). Can you help me out a bit, perhaps write cleaner example?
OpenAjax Hub compatibility test-case glues together multiple toolkits and thus is quite complex and messy. Please, could you tell a bit more about your use-case so that we could give a proper example.
On the server-side with Java, send OpenAjax hub message
see example at and method openAjaxPublish
Toolkit 4.0.3 or greater required
On the client-side code (themes)
subscribe to all IT Mill Toolkit’s OpenAjaxHubDemo events, e.g.
OpenAjax.hub.subscribe("com.itmill.toolkit.demo.OpenAjaxHubDemo.**", myJavaScriptMethod);
implement your callback
function myJavaScriptMethod(name, publisherData) { ... }
Here’s an example of OpenAjax demo callback which was executed every time when Toolkit server sent new data for Dojo Chart. This callback receives JSON, setups chart component and tells it to redraw itself.
// Listens two different publish messages from IT Mill Toolkit
function dojoChartListener(name, publisherData) {
if (name == "com.itmill.toolkit.demo.OpenAjaxHubDemo.Table.ValueChangeEvent") {
var pubData;
// evaluoi JSON
eval("pubData = "+publisherData+";");
// store on dojon chart objekti