Dock magazine about Vaadin

To see who is using it and where it is used around the world, take a look of the newly released Dock magazine:

(Works on iPad, free PDF or can be ordered as a printed copy)

What do you think?

Great magazine! We are developing several applications with Vaadin here in Canada in the public sector as well and it’s interesting to see how others are using it elsewhere.

It would be great to get your applications listed on Who Uses Vaadin? Well-Known Customers & Success Stories and maybe on Dock. I am sure that other would be interested in hearing of them.

February 2012 edition was just released.

Take a look at

(yes - we recycled most of the contents, but also added quite a bit new content)

That magazine looks gorgeous !
I wish our PR team could come up with something that awesome… dreaming

Great job to all !

I followed some of the links from the magazine to the showcase but I only get empty pages (well header and footer only) :

Redirection problem ?


How exactly did you follow the links? Both of the links you present here are lacking the last letter in the URL. Correct ones are:

Redirecting to:

Sorry, It was from the pdf but seems like it is the problem of the plugin turning text into link and not from the file itself.