Hi eveybody,
I am encountering a problem with Vaadin.
My Vaadin application connects to a self written application server. A user needs to log in in the webapp. Of course a user can log out. When the users performs a logout, all connections to the applicationserver are closed. After logging out, the user is redirected to our main homepage.
When the user presses the back button in his browser, the browser goes back to the last page from our application. If the user now clicks on something in this screen, a lot of terrible stuff happens because no connections to the application server are available.
Instead of writing a test in every location to check for connections, I want to be able to detect if a window is (re)opened, a kind op Window.OpenListener
Here I can check my connections and create new ones.
I’m not able to stop the application, because I made my application support multitabbed browsing. The other tabs should remain open en functioning.
Can somebody give me a helping hand ?