I’m looking for a mechanism to instruct DatePicker to highlight “today” in the server’s timezone. I could turn off the highlighting altogether, but it would be better if I could push the timezone to the client side or tell it which date to highlight.
My understanding is that DatePicker#setLocale(..) method should be used in order to DatePicker to be adjusted to some other locale than the browser default. I know that there are currently some use cases where the automated picking of the default locale fails, but I think it is not related to this.
To be clear: as I type this, it is 11:00 here in eastern US on the 17th of February. When I connect to my vaadin application running in Japan and use a DatePicker, I’d like it to highlight the 18th of February (because it is 01:00 server local time), not the 17th. I don’t know how to use Locale to specify TimeZone - they’re totally different things, aren’t they?