DateField Popup Week Title Chinese Problem

As you see, all weekdays are displayed just the first 2 characters and make them the same.

Where can I change these resource strings?


check out this defect: Ticket #5967 (new defect)

I found “narrowWeekDays” in the “vaadin-client-7.1.9.jar\com\google\gwt\i18n\client\constants\” which I think is the right one to use in the DataField popup’s week title.

How can I set to use it?

Thank you, Kat!

I will check out ticket

the ticket is not for vaadin 7.

the problem remains unsolved!

I’m trying…

I don’t know where to begin. Should I sub-class the DateField client ui, and do something, or should I just modify the vaadin library source code to solve this problem for good? and how?

Can anyone help me?