I’ve created custom datetime picker using CustomField, witch works with timestamps. The problem is that when I set binder asRequired() it tells me that field is empty (blue dot) even if both inner fields are filled. I have checked and getValue() gives me not empty value. What should I change or override to get this working?
public class DateTimePicker extends CustomField<Long> {
private final DatePicker datePicker = new DatePicker();
private final TimePicker timePicker = new TimePicker();
public DateTimePicker(String label) {
add(datePicker, timePicker);
public Long generateModelValue() {
final LocalDate date = datePicker.getValue();
final LocalTime time = timePicker.getValue();
if(date != null && time != null) {
return Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.of(date, time)).getTime();
return null;
public void setPresentationValue(Long newPresentationValue) {
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(newPresentationValue), ZoneId.systemDefault());
datePicker.setValue(newPresentationValue != null ? ldt.toLocalDate() : null);
timePicker.setValue(newPresentationValue != null ? ldt.toLocalTime() : null);
Thank you for the answer. It fixed half of the problem. I am now able to writeBean() properly but it is still marked with blue dot like if it was empty.
On a CustomField I have (an Icon checkfield) I had to @Override the getValue and setValue since the binder would not work properly with the ‘default’ ones… Now it seems to work properly.
Try doing that and see how it works…
My Code:
public class CheckBoxCustomField extends CustomField<Boolean>{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Icon icon = UIUtils.createDisabledIcon(VaadinIcon.CIRCLE);
private boolean value = false;
public CheckBoxCustomField() {
icon.addClickListener(event ->{
value = !value;
protected Boolean generateModelValue() {
return getValue();
protected void setPresentationValue(Boolean newPresentationValue) {
private void toggleValueChange() {
if(value) {
icon.getElement().setAttribute("icon", "vaadin" + ':' + "check-circle");
icon.getElement().getStyle().set("color", "var(--lumo-success-text-color)");
}else {
icon.getElement().setAttribute("icon", "vaadin" + ':' + "circle");
icon.getElement().getStyle().set("color", "var(--lumo-disabled-text-color)");
//Gets and Sets are needed for the Binder...
public void setValue(Boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public Boolean getValue() {
return value;
Sebastian Ciesielski:
Thank you for the answer. It fixed half of the problem. I am now able to writeBean() properly but it is still marked with blue dot like if it was empty.
CustomField doesn’t track the value changes of the internal fields. You will require the following I guess: