Custome theme

Hi ,

I am using two Buttons, and having issue in setting style to it

    Button adminButton = new Button("Admin");

    Button logoutButton = new Button();
    logoutButton.setStyleName("logout ");

my css id as follows .

.v-button-borderless {
color: #057cb1;
font-weight: 600;
.v-icon {
color: #217ca6;
&:hover {
color: #1e6e93;
.v-icon {
color: #1e6e93;

  .v-button-logout {
    color: #057cb1;
    font-weight: 600;
    .v-icon {
        color: #ffffff;
    &:hover {
        color: #1e6e93;
         .v-icon {
            color: #1e6e93;

I want logoutButton icon to be white.
if i aply 'borderless ’ to logoutButton and change v-icon{ color: #ffffff; } it will work .but i am using 'borderless ’ style in other palce too so i dont want to modify it. so writting new style as ‘logout’ but it is not appling.
