CSS column-count and grid bug Chrome

Bug occurs in Vaadin 10.0.0.beta3 and only in Chrome

When I have code like this:

<div style="background: white;column-count: 2;column-gap: .5rem;">
    <div style="break-inside: avoid-column; page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <vaadin-grid theme="compact row-stripes" height-by-rows="" style="touch-action: none;">
            <!-- vaadin grid content -->
    <div style="break-inside: avoid-column; page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <vaadin-grid theme="compact row-stripes" height-by-rows="" style="touch-action: none;">
            <!-- vaadin grid content -->
    <div style="break-inside: avoid-column; page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <vaadin-grid theme="compact row-stripes" height-by-rows="" style="touch-action: none;">
            <!-- vaadin grid content -->

Only in first grid elements shows up. In the other two, there is only blank space:


When I remove the column-count: 2;column-gap: .5rem; style from outer div, the elements in other two grids shows up


but I lose Masonry effect (“tiles” like effect with different heights) for which column-count was designed


I did a workaround for this by creating my own css class, and it works good (i don’t know if it will work in all cases, eg. row description), but I don’t think it’s proper solution for this problem.

<dom-module id="my-grid-styles" theme-for="vaadin-grid">
      :host(.custom-grid) #items [part~="row"]
      	position: relative !important;
      	transform: none !important;
      :host(.custom-grid) #header {
      	transform: none !important;
      :host(.custom-grid) {
      	transform: none !important;
<div style="background: white;column-count: 2;column-gap: .5rem;">
    <div style="break-inside: avoid-column; page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <vaadin-grid class="custom-grid" theme="compact row-stripes" height-by-rows="" style="touch-action: none;">
            <!-- vaadin grid content -->
    <div style="break-inside: avoid-column; page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <vaadin-grid class="custom-grid" theme="compact row-stripes" height-by-rows="" style="touch-action: none;">
            <!-- vaadin grid content -->
    <div style="break-inside: avoid-column; page-break-inside: avoid;">
        <vaadin-grid class="custom-grid" theme="compact row-stripes" height-by-rows="" style="touch-action: none;">
            <!-- vaadin grid content -->



This will be fixed in the JS element. You can follow the ticket [vaadin-grid#1261]
(https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin-grid/issues/1261) to see when it has been fixed.

  • Mikael