Connecting Service layer (DI) with custom UI components pattern

Consider simple Calendar application, which locates on http://localhost/cal#!month

So I have one View for rendering calendar’s month. Also one EventService is autowired to this class.

public class MonthView extends VerticalLayout implements View {

private EventService eventService;

[/code]No when user for example clicks on some Event, we can load some event details from eventService and render EventDetailModal. Let it be something like this.

public class EventDetailModal extends Window {

public EventDetailModal(Event event) {

[/code]So in this Window I can render out some event details more precisely. But also in this view, I have some event commenting options, so user could add comments to events. For this I have EventCommentService and this need to be it accessed from EventDetailModal.

I don’t want to do something like this, were I pass Domain object and Service class through constructor.

public class EventDetailModal extends Window {

public EventDetailModal(Event event, EventCommentService eventCommentService) {

[/code]Also when I have multiple nested components inside each other, it would get quickly messy to pass all services from initial View class to sub UI component, which requires this service.

I would like to achieve something like this:

public class EventDetailModal extends Window {

  EventCommentService eventCommentService;

  public EventDetailModal(Event event) {

Also I think in complex application, it would get messy when I would do this through some callbacks etc.

One idea I had, was that I could do something like this through Builder helper class, eg:

public class EventDetailModalBuilder {

private EventCommentService eventCommentService;

  EventDetailModal build(Event event) {

class EventDetailModal extends Window {

  public EventDetailModal(Event event) {

Or have anybody some ideas how to solve such kind of problem?