Components group focus

Hello everyone, I’m having troubles with the focus change by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard. For RadioButtonGroup and CheckBoxGroup I would like to be able to navigate them by changing the focus pressing the Tab key on the keyboard. The current behavior is (assuming that your focus in now on the previous component of the component group, for example a TextField):

  1. Press Tab → the focus is not shown, it seems that the group component has focus.
  2. Press Tab → the first child component or the selected one is focused.
  3. Press left or right arrow keys → navigate through the RadioButton/Checkbox of the component group.

The behavior I need should be :

  1. Press Tab → the first child component or the selected one is focused.
  2. Press Tab → focus the next child component.
  3. Press Shift Tab → focus the previous child compoenent.

In other words I would like to be able to navigate the whole form only using Tab and Shift Tab.

Thank you in advance


this issue should have fixed in Vaadin 8.4.5: If it still happens for you in a later version, please do comment on the issue in GitHub!

As for groups of RadioButtons, I think the default behaviour (not only in Vaadin components) is that you can tab in and out of the group, but selection happens via up/down keys.



thank you for you quick reply.
