Comparison: ZK vs Vaadin

We have an exception when we click on “Submit Change Request” from the page

Just to mention ZK 6.01 is also available as the comparison table is about ZK 5.0.8

Does the Vaadin demo really reflect the Vaadin gui capabilities ? There were issues mentionned about that if i remember (i can only remember of smooth animation…) but don’t see much changes in the sampler demo.

I patched it a bit… I hope it stays up now. Thanks for noticing us!

I do not use Vaadin, I do not know it, so I’ll not write about it.
After 4 year, I still like the xml approach, I started with zk in 2009, with version 3, now I’m using the 7 and I’m going to use 8.
In my experience, using MVVM in xml give a lot of time saving and clean code.
I’ve programmed a lot in swing, and the 100% java approach (I’ve done it in zk a lot before get usual with MVC and after with MVVM) put all the load on server side.
Now I delegate same part of UI to jquery (zk from version 5 is built with jquery).
With zk I can choose, use Java as swing like, use MVVM, use jquery.
Using MVVM I’m writing business logic (view model) with no legancy to ZK and make unit testing on it.
This save from a lot of problems.
Put MVVM in Vaadin and I’ll take a look. :slight_smile: