ComboBox - table datasource when using option caption

I am populating the ComboBox with a datasource table (value int, visible_value String).

But when I do form.setIemDataSource() the value does not show up.
Then, when I do not use the visible_value then it populates on selecting a row.
So with visible_value the combobox is not populating.

cb = new ComboBox(“tit”);
cb.setItemCaption(value); // this works ok

And I try this:
cb = new ComboBox(“tit”);
cb.setItemCaption(value, (String) visible_value); // this does not work

Question: Is there a programatic way to select a item from combobox when using the visible_value ?

The table I have is myvideo ( value int, visible_value String):

value visible_value

Create a simple form, a table and ComboBox to recreate this. Have a split panel with top panel showing form and bottom panel showing the table list. When you select a row in list panel the top form panel shows the combobox.

Also related post is

Please find attached the zip file having a simple application with just one form showing the problem in “cities” drop down. I used the Person and PersonContainer from the vaadin tutorial. (3.33 KB)


setItemCaption(Object itemId, String caption) should work. Make sure that you actually are using the item id and not the item when calling this method.

If this was not the problem, could you please provide a test case (small application) that shows the error?


I attached the zip file which shows the problem I am encountering.

Problem solved: It was my mistake in the application code.
When doing setitem the data type should match.

Once I did that the vaadin app runs fine - it properly populates from the database datasource…

case closed.