ComboBox removeAllItems() sets value to null


We have two comboboxes A and B. B depends on A’s value.

ComboBox A = new ComboBox();

ComboBox B = new ComboBox();

A.addValueChangeListener(event -> {
     Collection<Stirng> data = getData((String) event.getProperty().getValue());
     B.setValue(B.getItemIds().iterator().next()); // i don't like such selection of the first item


So far so good.

We add some functionality that will replace all items in combobox A.

repopulate(final Collection<String> newOptions) {
     if (newOptions.isEmpty()) {
     } else {
          A.setValue(A.getItemIds().iterator().next()); // again (

So, pretty claer here, we clear items and add the new one. Reset value is needed to update the B combobox, but…!
RemoveAllItems also set the value, NULL value. And what we get in result? Replace items triggers two value change events: one is for NULL, second is for the first value. Which will be first? Who knows! One time it’s NULL another is a real value. On UI it looks like empty combobox - but there is actually no reason for this from the user pov, then it looks good, then again empty and so on.

I have two options for this:

  1. save listener to the field and remove/add it before removing all items and adding the new one;
  2. recreate whole combobox (what?) with all realted stuff.

Actually, I don’t like any of them.

Could it be implemented in some other way? Maybe I missed smth (high chance). Thanks in advance.

I’m facing the same issue and here’s what I came up with.
You can remember the oldValue before ressetting item then reselect it again by looking for it in new items and setting the value (behing the scenes there’s a lot going but from the users prepective it’s all the same).