I’m having a very strange problem with my application. I haven’t been able to create a test case to show, so I understand it will be very hard to provide a definite answer, but maybe anyone can give me a suggestion on what could be the cause or where to look.
I have an application object which contains a main window.
If I access the application from 2 browsers on 2 different machines, sometimes after an action that adds a component to the main window’s layout or adds a window is performed in machine 1, the change or window will be visible on machine 2.
I have tried showing on screen the object references for both the app object and the main window, and they show different references on each machine.
I have checked the application object and the main window, and there are no static objects that could be shared among instances (it is my understanding that each browser should have a different instance of the application).
I hope anyone can give me a few pointers on what could be causing this.