Hello, everyone!
I have a question:
Is it possible to use theme1 for the hole application, but theme2 for some components of it?
Right now i use runo theme in my project:
public void init(){
But panels in this theme don’t suites me. They have big borders.
Ive attached 3 images to show what i don’t like in my current application:
panel_b - is how it looks at the button of the screen,
panel_t -at the top
panel_m - in the middle, where i have split and tabsheet.
So, i want to use panels with reindeer theme.
I’ve tried configure it like this:
but it looks like it does not work =(
So, can somebody please, give me an advice?
PS: sorry if this question is not for this branch. i’m not sure where to put it, to this one branch or to the UI components branch.