CDI Addon + WebSphere + web.xml

I am trying to deploy an CDI App to a WebSphere Server! When I deploy the war without the deployment descriptor, everything works fine.

But when I try to deploy the Application with a web.xml deployment descriptor, no Injection will work …
Unfortunately I have to use a dep. desc., because I need to add a Servlet filter to my Application…

My deployment descriptor looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        id="LohnzettelOnline" version="2.4"


            <description>Vaadin UI provider to use.</description>





Where I have to mention, that my Servlet class is extending the VaadinCDIServlet and has some ServletConfiguration:

@VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MainUI.class, closeIdleSessions = false, productionMode = false)
public class Servlet extends VaadinCDIServlet {

    protected VaadinServletService createServletService(DeploymentConfiguration deploymentConfiguration) throws ServiceException {
        LogManager.getLogger().debug("Vaadin Servlet initialized.");
        return super.createServletService(deploymentConfiguration);

The CDI add-on uses its own servlet. You should remove your servlet from the code and the web.xml.


Remove any existing VaadinServlet from your project (look for servlets with @WebServlet or defined in web.xml). Vaadin CDI has its own VaadinCDIServlet that will be deployed automatically as long as no other Vaadin servlets are present.

As I said, my own Servlet
the VaadinCDIServlet… So I thought it should work properly, but it didn’t.
After a weekend of googling, I realized I am using Servlet API 3.1.0 and can implement the Filter simply with annotating it with @WebFilter!

Thank you for your reply anyway!