Can you please try again after deleting node_modules in case there is some broken artifact there ? If it reproduces, please report an issue to
It is independent-leaves=true option in .npmrc, which may be used only with hoist=false option.
Setting independent-leaves to true gives an average of 8% installation speed improvement but might break some packages that rely on location (as mentioned in documentation).
Scanning classes to find frontend configurations and dependencies…
Visited 693 classes. Took 672 ms.
Visited 94 classes. Took 27 ms.
writing file D:\my-starter-project\target\flow-frontend\package.json.
writing file ‘D:\my-starter-project\target\index.html’
writing file ‘D:\my-starter-project\target\index.ts’
Parsing java files from [D:\my-starter-project\src\main\java]
There are no connect endpoints to genertate.
Running pnpm install to resolve and optionally download frontend dependencies. This may take a moment, please stand by…
Generated pnpmfile hook file: ‘D:\my-starter-project\pnpmfile.js’
–shamefully-hoist=true install
Using hooks from: D:\my-starter-project\pnpmfile.js
readPackage hook is declared. Manifests of dependencies might get overridden
Resolving: total 290, reused 290, downloaded 0
Unfortunately we have error during build-frontend goal execution: