Cant find vaadin designer 10+ in intelliJPlugin


I tried to install vaadin ui in intelliJ. But i cant find vaadin designer in market place like shown below.

It displays only for framework 7 and nothing else.


IntelliJ 2024.1 RC1 (ultimate edition)

thanks for any help

It seems to be related to the latest IntelliJ version. It shows up on the previous (2023.3.5) version. Funnily enough, it works just fine (I had installed it before upgrading IntelliJ).

I guess it requires Vaadin staff to update the compatible version list, judging by what’s stated on the plugin page:

In the meantime, you should be able to download the plugin from the Marketplace’s website and install without issues.


Yes, thx. I downloaded and installed manually from plugin page

many thanks.


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