Blog post example or card for posts?

I’ve looked at the components and haven’t found any that would be the equivalent of a card that one could include a pic and synopsis (example would be a blog post). Are there any add-ons or components that might work in this area?

Something like that could probably be achieved with a composition of a bunch of standard layouts and components.

If you look at a forum post entry here (I’m assuming you’re looking for something like that), you could think of one post as a HorizontalLayout with two custom component compositions inside it.

On the left side (first component of the root HorizontalLayout), there’s a VerticalLayout which contains an Image, two Labels and a Link. On the right side (second component of the root HorizontalLayout), there’s another VerticalLayout, which contains some text, a separator line and then a HorizontalLayout with some Buttons inside it in different Alignments.
